Thursday, July 17, 2008

Teaching in the mornings.
The Commandment Trains in progress.
The sinks in the girls' bathroom.
The FREEZING showers!
Bible Trivia matching game.
Some of the campers.
Rice, beans (not in this picture), pasta, and chicken... the lunch of champions! And our lunch every day for the past two weeks.
We had a bunch of tournaments today - 50m dash!
A local pastor brought in a group of kids from a very poor neighborhood to spend the day at camp.
The Church in Mongabeirra that our 94 team built.
Session - They love to have us go up front and do the motions to their songs, even though we dont know what we're even singing!
Balloon tag - tie a balloon to your ankle and try to pop everyone else's... this was fun and very,very loud.

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